

To contact us about a position or for any questions or reason 

Please go to Our Discord~ Check out the About Us section.

~Experienced and Inexperienced are both welcome~  
  (Unless specified)
Note: You won't be paid, this is for fun!  
  Roles and Purposes:  
  Compiler/ Raw Provider:  (OPEN)
- Able to download & upload pages and crop & stitch pages 
Korean Translator:  (ALWAYS OPEN)
- Must have a General understanding of the language. 
- Needs to separate the dialogues, narrations, SFX, thoughts and small texts.
Proofreaders : (CLOSED)
- Must be fluent in English on a native level and have a very good understanding 
in the English language and make it sound natural and 
grammatically correct
Cleaners/Redrawers : (OPEN)
- Able to clean bubbles and sfx, and redraw missing parts of panels  if necessary (and sfx) 
- Photoshop is preferred, however apps that are able to save files as .psd is okay 
(E.g CSP, Gimp, Medibang)
Typesetters : (OPEN)
- Able to paste proofread text onto pages and should have a good 
 understanding of fonts, lining & centering texts, 
 etc. Photoshop is required. 
Quality Checker : (OPEN)
- Find and fix any mistakes or spelling errors made by the Cleaner/Typesetter  and the Proofreader. 
- And have prior experience with the roles listed above~ 
• For Typesetters, please do not use Comic Sans and non-comic fonts~ 

• If you are interested please fill out this Google Form to Apply!  

• Also if you have no experience, I highly recommend joining this discord --> It is incredibly helpful!! The same Info here is on our Discord server but there you can ask any questions :3 


•  If you are interested in translating one of our projects into another language we have a few simple things we'd like you to do before translating.
  1. Notify me about the project you'd like to translate
  2. Please tell me what language you'll be translating this project into
  3. Link me to your group's website, that way I can post this link on our blog for anyone who would prefer to read in that language

- p.A.p